New network icons schema to Gnome Dia

After a lot of time searching some friendly icons to be used in Dia and no results obtained, I decided to face this problem and generate my own icons collection.

I like Gnome Gorilla’s icons style very much, so I decided to convert most of them to Dia. I had to mix some icons to make a new in according its preposition.

I found out on Net the svg2shape.xslt to make the conversion, but many erros came up when I tried to convert an Inkscape plain SVG.

Problems associated with compability was seen. An example about is that a shape file doesn’t accept opacity. Many Gnome icons have opacity and they are constructed using a different structure to be in conformity with Dia. Another problem detected is that shape files don’t accept colors by their names. You can’t use black to describe a black color, only hexadecimals six digits are accepted.

I’ve written a PHP script to read the shape file created by the command xsltproc and make some modifications to correct them. In a future post I can explain better this and post the hard way to get this.

Here you can see a simple result of the conversion and adaptation:

Gnome icons scheme to Dia

Gnome icons schema to Dia

If you liked it, click here to make the icons download. To add this in your Dia you just need to follow the next step:

# cd /usr/share/dia

# cp PATH/rib-network.tar.gz .

# tar zxvf rib-network.tar.gz

If your Dia is started please close this and start it again. So in your combo list choice RIB-Network. Now you can be free to create your Network diagrams with a lot of colors and beauty. 🙂

35 thoughts on “New network icons schema to Gnome Dia

  1. Pingback: Diagramas: Novo esquema de ícones de rede para o Dia

  2. Muito boa a sua iniciativa!
    Várias vezes iniciei um tentativa de melhorar o Dia e nunca levei adiante…
    Pena que o projeto está parado.

  3. Valeu mesmo. A dias procurava alguma coisa do tipo, pois os icones default do dia sao realmente feios que doi.

    Um outra que voce poderia fazer é construir um tema de icones com os do Tango Project. Se gostar da ideia, podemos trabalhar em cima disso.

  4. Fantástico !! Que coincidencio, hoje mesmo eu estava procurando ícones para o DIA e percebi que o projeto estava parado … é uma pena, pois é um tipo de aplicativo que faz muita falta no Linux. Parabéns pela iniciativa !

  5. Pingback: Dia als Visio Ersatz « das Böse aus dem Erdgeschoss

  6. Thank you for the icon set, exactly that is the stuff that is missing in dia. I am thinking about converting other svg-icons to dia shapes. Can you please post the information about how you managed the issue with the transparencity? I am also very interested in your php script…

    Thank you and greetings,

  7. Hi great idea, it’s just what I was searching…
    Can you provide instruction on how convert icons? I’m interested in creating a Tango shapes set and your actual package it’s still limited (No printers, no firewall icon) so I’m interested in expanding the collection

  8. Guys, I’ll write a new post to describe all the conversion process.
    But I think that we can organize some tasks to make a great project and improve this work that I started.
    What do you think about it? Does someone here interested to participate?

  9. Então cara, eu vi que além de vc tem outras pessoas que fizeram icones SVG (especialemtne seguindo o tema tango) pra o dia, mas ninguém criando shapes. Usei o conversor com xsltproc pra criar os arquivos .shape mas eles ficam com tamanho incorreto e etc. Tem como voce publicar o script php pra fazer as mudanças? eu já teria um conjunto grande de shapes com licença GPL recolhidos de outras pessoas para adicionar ao projeto e alguns que eu mesmo estou criando.

  10. Hi,
    I have the same problem as you with transparency etc, I would like to convert tango icon.

    Could you give me your php script please?

    Or help me to convert tango network icon …

    Contact me by mail if you can/want or here …

    Many thanks

  11. Gracias, esta excelente.
    Mis amigos se burlaban de mis diagramas en dia (de por si no soy muy bueno haciendo diagramas).
    Llegaron incluso a convencerme de usar micro$oft visio.

    Gracias por los iconos!

  12. Pingback: Synergy : compartiendo KM « INF - I’m not fool - QUE NO!!!

  13. Caro Thiago,

    Você sabe como se cria shapes com entrada de texto, com aqueles da Folha de Fluxogramas?

    Isto permitiria a criação de shapes mais elegantes, com sombra, etc, para substituir os do fluxograma…

  14. Thanks a lot. I would like to have a Samba Icon as well. Can you describe how you made this shapes? I would really like to see this collection to grow.

  15. Pingback: Martinus Ady H. BloG _ Adding Extra Icon In DIA

  16. Como é o processo de transformação dos ícones em arquivos compatíveis com o Dia ?

    Grato pela atenção.

  17. Hello Thiago,

    At first, thank you very much for your cool network and database icons! I very like them and use for my latest network diagrams 🙂

    Could you please create also network icons for laptop, load-balancer and storage systems (SAN, NAS, NFS server, etc)? I think there can be very useful too.

    My best regards,


  18. This is so fantastic!

    All the server icons are what was really missing.

    Please can you include one server icon without overlay (ms,linux,mail,ftp…) . It is even more flexible then.

  19. Pingback: Gnome Dia: creando un set de iconos personalizado para diagramar | Phenobarbital con Soda!

  20. What about sending your fantastic icon set to dia upstream?
    It should be included in dia itself, doesn’t it?

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  22. Thank you!
    At last, I found a way to make my diagram much sexier!

    Hope you’ll add some more in the future, like for Virtual Machines, VoIP, Mail server…

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